News - Kathy Bryla - Independent for Lane Cove

What you have told me is next for 2024 and beyond


I issued my community survey in June and at the same time had meetings with community groups throughout Lane Cove. I am very grateful to all those that responded and took the time to tell me what they want their council to do for them next.

Creating a successful survey is an art, and one that I have yet to master. Like those issued by Lane Cove Council, mine could benefit from some expert tips. However, this time I kept it simple and achieved some good results, as you can see in the graph. I must also note that there was a section in my survey about what we all love about living here in Lane Cove, and that list is HUGE! The list below is the changes the community wants to see next and it is a list that covers many topics I agree with.

Some of the overarching comments were:

Council Transparency and Accountability:

Environmental Concerns:

Bushland and Tree Protection:

Cycling Infrastructure:

Road Safety and Public Transport:

Public Infrastructure:

Mobility and Accessibility:

Community and Mental Health:

This has given me a wealth of information to work with for policy development. To cross-check the survey results, I have been door-knocking and talking to residents in the streets. This broadens the demographic pool of responses and has sometimes adjusted the list on the "Election 2024: Vision and Commitment to our Community" section of my website.

Then there are all the fabulous community organisations and groups in Lane Cove. The groups that I have met with or had phone calls with to gain insight into their needs are:

All their comments have been noted and I have a list of their practical ideas that would make their offering to the Lane Cove community even better. I loved these conversations and the exchange of ideas!

If I have not had a chance to catch up with your group, please send me an email,I would love to hear your ideas.